The Gen Z Coach

Unlocking Untapped Potential

Increase revenue, productivity, engagement and retention with business coaching for Gen Z.

We create high-performing Gen Z teams and provide insights to senior leaders on Gen Z to bridge generational gaps and help businesses grow.

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How To Unlock The Potential Of Gen Z


At The Gen Z Coach, we unlock the untapped potential of Gen Z employees to help businesses grow by capitalising on 'the Gen Z opportunity' - increasing productivity, engagement and retention. We do this by coaching Gen Z talent to create high-performing teams whilst providing insights to senior leaders, bridging generational gaps.
Led by certified leadership trainer and ICF Coach Patrick Quinton-Smith.


We provide tailored services to both Gen Z team members and senior leaders, offering personalised 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching sessions and a 3-day personal leadership program. For senior leaders, we offer monthly Gen Z insight sessions and policy audits so you can better understand, communicate and get the best out of your young employees - all crafted to unlock potential and drive performance.


At The Gen Z Coach, our mission is to create high-performing Gen Z teams by unlocking their untapped potential though tailored coaching programs that boost productivity and bridge generational gaps - helping young people and businesses grow together!

The Gen Z Opportunity

A lot of businesses claim Gen Z are:

  1. Causing significant stress and impacting business growth
  2. Difficult to work with
  3. Not work ready
  4. Annoying
  5. Lazy


Whilst businesses feel this, it’s just not true.

Gen Z have massive untapped potential and can be your business’s greatest asset. 

You can turn The Gen Z Problem – into The Gen Z Opportunity! All you need to do is help unlock their potential.

This is where we step in. We coach Gen Z talent to create high-performing teams, whilst bridging generational gaps. 

We give insights to leaders on how to understand and communicate with your Gen Z talent, so you can speak the same language and get the best out of them.

This increases productivity, engagement, retention and Glassdoor ratings – all helping your business to grow.

So if you’re a leader wanting to capitalise on the Gen Z opportunity,

Get in touch today!

020 3978 1978

Certified Leadership Trainer

4 years coaching experience

Hours Of Coaching
Gen Zers Coached
0 +
0 +
Client Sccess Rate
0 %

Meet Our Founder & Head Coach

Hi, I’m Patrick Quinton-Smith, Founder of The Gen Z Coach.

I’m a certified personal leadership trainer, an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and hold certificates in transformational coaching, team dynamics, and career coaching.

You might be thinking that I look young. That’s because I am young. I am Gen Z and can empathise, understand and communicate with your Gen Z talent in a way other generations cannot. 

I have a proven track record as a business coach, having successfully coached over 200 Gen Zers in performance, mental health & leadership development.  

For that reason, I am perfectly placed to support businesses in transforming The Gen Z Problem into The Gen Z Opportunity.

Furthermore, I am a living testament to coaching and the impact it can have!

6-months into my first job as a grad in 2019, I was unmotivated and unfulfilled with a date in the diary to quit.

But I knew I was capable of a lot more and wanted to stay in the business.

Luckily my company invested in a coach for me and the results were totally transformational.

I went from about to quit, to being highly engaged, staying another 3.5 years to lead multiple high-performing teams including a team with 240 people. 

So by investing in coaching for me, the company:

– ⬆️ Retention rates – as I stayed another 3.5 years.

– ⬆️ Engagement scores – as I became super engaged and LOVED what I did.

– ⬆️ Productivity and revenue – as the 240-person team led, brought in an additional £8.3M of revenue in 1 year. 

– ⬆️ Glassdoor ratings – as I rated them 10/10 on Glassdoor for transformed my career!

This is the ROI coaching can create!

This transformation inspired me to provide the same transformation to other young people and business, helping them thrive together.

I now provide the same results to other businesses.

This is why I am The Gen Z Coach and this is why we do what we do.

What We Offer

We provide services to both Gen Z teams and senior leaders – all crafted to unlock potential and drive performance.


Discovery sessions with Senior Leaders

Align on business objectives for targeted results.


Gen Z insight sessions for Senior Leaders

Gain a deep understanding of your Gen Z talent and how to communicate with and get the best out of them.


1-on-1 coaching sessions for each Gen Z team member

Ongoing personalised support to unlock individual potential.


Group coaching sessions for your Gen Z team

Tailored team support to take collaboration and performance to the next level.


Policy Reviews

We provide detailed policy reviews to make sure they get the best out of Gen Z


3-day personal leadership program for your Gen Z team​

Propel Gen Z teams forwards through self-leadership, building momentum and rapid growth.

Contact Us

Unlock the untapped potential in Gen Z!

Most businesses think that coaching is just for executives, but most of the value comes from coaching people earlier in their career as they are capable of so much more.

Businesses will never realise the full productivity of Gen Z without investing in coaching.

Get in contact, or schedule a consultation today. 

Reach out at: [email protected] or call us at 020 3978 1978

Your journey to unleashing the power of Gen Z begins here! 
